Guernsey Health Systems
TITLE: Supplier/Vendor Relations
ISSUE DATE: 12/01/2019
EFFECTIVE DATE: 01/01/2020
DEVELOPED / REVISED BY: Materials Management
REVIEWED BY: Senior Management
APPROVED BY: Director of Materials Management and Senior Management
This policy is in effect for all locations of the following Guernsey Health Systems business units:
Southeastern Ohio Regional Medical Center, Superior Med, LLC, United Ambulance.
This policy directly applies to vendors, suppliers, and supplier representatives who provide or desire to provide medical/surgical and general supplies, services, and equipment for patient care and non-patient care purposes.
The Materials Management department has been designated as the point of contact between Guernsey Health Systems and its suppliers. Individual departments may have their own policy & procedure regarding suppliers in their area.
The purpose of this policy is to effectively manage the volume of supplier representative visitations to help ensure staff can effectively manage the amount of time devoted to such visitations such that patient care is not adversely affected. Suppliers, in turn, should support the mission of Guernsey Health Systems, and work to minimize intrusions.
Supplier: A company who supplies goods, drugs, equipment, or services to Guernsey Health Systems and receives payment from Guernsey Health Systems for these exchanges. Guernsey Health Systems may use these goods, drugs, equipment, or services to provide care for patients or may consume for business operations. To be compliant with various federal and oversight organizations, the suppliers Guernsey Health Systems transacts with must adhere to specific guidelines. May also be referred to as a Vendor or a Supplier Representative.
Potential Supplier: A company not currently engaged by Guernsey Health Systems to supply goods, drugs, equipment, or services that may have an interest in pursuing business opportunities. These companies are not set-up in the Guernsey Health Systems system to transact with and are not being paid by Guernsey Health Systems.
It is the policy of Materials Management to support visitations from Supplier Representatives to designated departments and/or physicians to provide essential services and distribute necessary information.
It is also the policy to control the activities of Supplier Representatives in order to:
Ensure the safe and appropriate use of products, equipment, and services
Maintain patient confidentiality
Avoid the inappropriate distribution of samples
Efficiently utilize the time of the staff who interact with Supplier Representatives.
I. PROCEDURE – Suppliers:
Each facility or department may have specific guidelines or instructions, supplier must comply with the following general instructions when vising any Guernsey Health Systems facility:
II. PROCEDURE – Materials Management:
I. PROCEDURE – Department:
Revision History:
Rev 1.0
Newly developed policy. Adapted for Guernsey Health Systems from OhioHealth policy. Posted and approved07/01/2019.
Observers in the Operating Room 7/2018
Gifts or Benefits from Vendors, Patients or Others 12/2015
Exhibit 1 – Guernsey Health Systems Vendormate Registration Locations
Exhibit 2 – Supplier check-in summary
Guernsey Health Systems Vendormate Registration Locations |
Southeastern Ohio Regional Medical Center Main Campus | Kiosk in main lobby at information desk |
Cambridge Regional Cancer Center | Kiosk in main lobby |
Brick Church Road PT/OT & Occupational Medicine Facility | Not enforced |
Superior Med Physician Offices | Not enforced |
United Ambulance Facilities | Not enforced |
Check-In Summary