YES. If you want VA to continue to pay for your care. If you refuse to be transferred, VA will not pay for any further care.For service-connected conditions, here are some of the criteria that must be met:
• Care or services were provided in a medical emergency, and
• VA or another federal facility were not feasibly available, and
• VA was notified within 72 hours of the admission.
• Ask your local VA Medical Center’s Non-VA (Fee) Care Office for further eligibility guidance at 877-222-8387 or
For non-service connected conditions, here are some of the criteria that must be met:
• Veteran is enrolled in the VA Health Care System, and
• Veteran has received health care services from VA within the previous 24 months, and
• Veteran has no other health insurance coverage.
• Ask your local VA Medical Center’s Non-VA (Fee) Care Office for further guidance at 877-222-8387 or